Makers of #Blackmail hosted special screening of their film on Wednesday in Mumbai. ‘Blackmail’ film’s team #ArunodaySingh, Abhinay Deo, #KirtiKulhari, Anuja Sathe, Gajraj Rao and #PradhumanSingh attended special screening of the film.
Here’s what they said about ‘Blackmail’.
Arunoday Singh – I am very excited for the film. I missing Irrfan Khan at screening of this film and without him, the film wouldn’t have been the same the way it has shaped up. I think Pradhuman and Anuja also performed brilliantly in the film. I hope audience come to watch our film because I can assure them that it’s an incredible film.
Abhinay Deo – I am very excited for the release of the film. It’s a feeling of delivering your baby. We have been working on this film since last one and half year. We are certainly missing Irrfan Khan at the film’s screening. He hasn’t been with us for the promotion of the film but we are in touch with him and we regularly update him about the film. Amitabh Bachchan has given really positive review for this film and apart from him, other industry people and critics are giving positive review for the film but I am early waiting for audience reaction. I hope audience will go to watch movie because I think it’s a different kind of comedy. It’s my second attempt after ‘Dellly Belly’ in comedy. It’s a U/A certified film but I think Irrfan Khan has delivered one of the best performance from his career and I can proudly say that its best film from my career.
Kirti Kulhari - I am super excited for the film’s release. I have already seen it yesterday so now, I am even more excited after watching the film. I think it’s a superbly funny and quirky film. I think we all have been missing Irrfan (Khan) for a while now and we really wish he was with us. We have been getting positive reviews for the film and lot of people think that I have been bold in making choice like ‘Blackmail’ and the kind of character I am playing in it. Trailer of the film received great reactions from audience and I think the film offers much more than its trailer so I hope people will go to watch the film.
Anuja Sathe – I am very excited for the film and today we have organized screening for industry people and media. We have worked very hard for this film. We have been getting good reviews for the film and I hope audience will like the film. I am missing Irrfan Khan at the screening of the film. I really had great experience working with him in the film. We both have started our career from television so we used to have conversation about that while we were shooting for the film. My character is very twisted in the film so, people are not finding my character rude and I feel that’s a compliment for me.”
In ‘Blackmail’, Irrfan is married to Kriti Kulhari's character but discovers she is sleeping with Arunoday Singh's character. Instead of opting for the more generic route of murder or divorce, the protagonist decides to blackmail the wife's lover for money.
Blackmail features Irrfan Khan, Kirti Kulhari, Divya Dutta, Arunoday Singh, Omi Vaidya, Anuja Sathe, Pradhuman Singh Mall and Gajraj Rao. It is produced by T-Series' Bhushan Kumar and Deo's RDP Motion Pictures.
Blackmail is slated to release on 6th April, 2018.
Source - News Helpline
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