Wednesday, 20 June 2018

​Irrfan Khan Talks About his Illness and Treatment

Good news for #IrrfanKhan Fans, the actor is back and talks about treatment and the immense pain he suffered while on the road to recovery from #neuroendocrinecancer.

A couple of months ago, Irrfan Khan revealed that he has been diagnosed with neuroendocrine cancer. His illness came as a shock for his fans but the shock wasn’t limited to just his fans, this episode has been quite “different” for Irrfan as well.

Media and actor’s peers and colleagues have all respected his privacy and even Irrfan has not interacted with the media since his diagnosis. Now he talks about it.

“It’s been quite some time now since I have been diagnosed with a high-grade neuroendocrine cancer. This new name in my vocabulary, I got to know, was rare, and due to fewer study cases, and less information comparatively, the unpredictability of the treatment was more. I was part of a trial-and-error game,” said Irrfan.

He continued, “In this chaos, shocked, afraid and in panic, while on one of the terrifying hospital visits, I blabber to my son, ‘The only thing I expect from ME is not to face this crisis in this present state. I desperately need my feet. Fear and panic should not overrule me and make me miserable.’ That was my INTENTION. AND THEN PAIN HIT.”
“As I was entering the hospital, drained, exhausted, listless, I hardly realised my hospital was on the opposite side of Lord’s, the stadium. The Mecca of my childhood dream! Amidst the pain, I saw a poster of a smiling Vivian Richards. Nothing happened, as if that world didn’t ever belong to me. I was left with this immense effect of the enormous power and intelligence of the cosmos. The peculiarity of MY hospital’s location – it HIT me. The only thing certain was the uncertainty. All I could do was to realise my strength and play my game better” said Irrfan.

Irrfan Khan staring Puzzle and Karwan will soon be hitting silver-screen.

Source - News Helpline
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