Director of the film #Mickey_Virus and 7 Hours to Go, #Saurabh_Varma came to inaugurate Deepanshu Saini’s third adult fiction book “My Wife’s Diary”. He highly praised the book and said it has the potential to be converted to a movie and even go to international level.
Saurabh said,“I think not much films have been made in this space. So, I would definitely like to make a movie on it in future. It does not just cater to Delhi or Mumbai but can cater internationally. The book has thrill, drama, romance or in short it has everything. The title is so forbidden that automatically our interest goes for it. It has a unique way of storytelling.”
“My Wife’s Diary” has been nicely articulated by the author exploring all emotions involved in a marriage and has been written from a husband’s point of view. Deepanshu who has already successfully written 2 novels “Girl’s Hostel- Unspoken Memories” in 2014 and “By the mountains- love reloaded” in 2015 spoke about how he thought of writing the book.
He said, “I wanted to write it since a long time. It is my dream project. There were 2 subjects in my mind and I combined both of them . The trailer of the book is on YouTube. If you see it, you can get an idea about the book. It is the story of a man who by chance hits upon his wife’s diary in their bedroom. When he starts reading he finds out many of her mysteries.”
The 7 Hours to Go director Saurabh complimented the author who has around 18 more future book titles which he plans to write saying, "Deepanshu is a very talented writer. Our country and our film industry needs good writers. I hope he writes for big films.”
Engineer by profession and author by choice, Deepanshu who is currently working as Assistant Manager in TATA Power Delhi Distribution Ltd gave a strong message to the budding writers of the country. He said,“I believe when one has passion for something one automatically finds time for it. I will advise learn from your mistakes.Never be hopeless, you must just go on.”
The paperback edition of the book “My Wife’s Diary" has been published by Omji Publishing House Private Limited and pre booking orders are currently available at Amazon and Paytm.
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