Monday 5 June 2017

Guy Ritchie, Tom Hardy 'storm out' of restaurant

Director #Guy_Ritchie, accompanied by actor #Tom_Hardy, reportedly stormed out of an upmarket Chinese restaurant here after he was denied ordering Peking Duck.

According to The Sun newspaper, the director arrived at posh eatery Min Jiang alongside Hardy when they ordered the hotspot's renowned menu favourite - which reportedly has to be ordered "24 hours in advance".

In addition to the 24 hours notice time for the 65 pounds dish, the "legendary wood-fired Beijing duck" also requires a 45-minute roasting time per bird.

After finding out he would be denied the dish, the British director's mood quickly turned and he was left "unimpressed", reports 
It was also claimed Ritchie wasn't happy with the response he received by the Kensington restaurant's hospitality as he told the waiter "You've just lost yourself two customers" while leaving. 

An onlooker at the eatery said: "Guy was not happy. He kept saying he didn't want anything else - he had only come for the duck. He said that was the dish everyone talks about."

The on-looker continued to describe the situation: "The waiter was very apologetic, but there was nothing he could do. They didn't have the duck. As things got more heated, Tom was trying to pull his friend away, saying, 'Come on mate'. And eventually he realised he was getting nowhere."

The source added: "That's when he delivered a line about losing his customer and flounced out. He has a reputation for being pretty down-to-earth, so it was a surprise to see him throwing his toys out of the pram over a duck."

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