Thursday 1 September 2016

Munir Khan alleges harassment

Munish Khan, son of inventor of the popular Ayurvedic medicine Body Revival, Munir Khan, has shot off a letter to the Maharashtra State Human Rights Commission complaining about the harassment meted out to them by the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) officials and other officials.

As revealed by the contents of the letter, the father-son duo have alleged that the FDA officials asked for bribes, conducted fake raids at their office, confiscated stocks of the medicine worth crores of rupees, filed false police complaints and conducted wrongful arrests over the course of the past few years. They claim that the officials have also spread out malicious information about their medicine, which has tremendously affected their business throughout the country.

Munish Khan said, "The bribes were demanded by the middle-person and I have sent all the concerned proofs and evidences with my letters to human rights."

Munir Khan, whose medicine Body Revival has done tremendous business and has been beneficial to numerous people since a long time, has been arrested by the police a few times and the letter claims that the arrests were purely because Khan refused to pay the bribe that was demanded by these officials.
Khan has mentioned the names of FDA Commissioner, Assistant Commissioner, Drug Inspectors and investigative officers of the police stations in the complaint in order to take the requisite action against them for their malpractices.

Despite all the negative information being spread out intentionally, Khan’s work in the field of medicine and social work in the past few decades was acknowledged earlier this year when Maharashta Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis felicitated him with an award. 

He has also been conferred with the Messiah UL Mulk Award from former Union Health Minister Dr. Ramdas in 2005 and Star of the Year Award from Shri Surjit Singh Barnala, former Tamil Nadu Governor in 2009.

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